ARHG ancillary provider accreditation
ARHG’s ancillary provider accreditation service provides funds with a list of ancillary providers that meet a set of agreed provider accreditation standards.
By subscribing to the database, funds ensure benefits are paid to providers in line with private health benefit rules.
The database simplifies the provider accreditation process for subscribed funds.
If you are an ancillary provider and would like more information about the database, please click here.

Login to the database
Accredited associations and subscribed funds can login to the database using the links below.
You will need a user name and password.
Click here for a list outlining the associations accredited with ARHG.
Click here for a list of the private health funds that subscribe to ARHG's ancillary provider accreditation service and the modalities they fund.
Click here for a list of the modalities recognised in ARHG's ancillary provider accreditation service, and their definitions.
This document outlines the requirements of providers who are registered with ARHG's ancillary provider accreditation service.
This document outlines the requirements of associations who are accredited with ARHG.
Professional associations accredited by ARHG

Participating health funds