The ARHG ancillary provider accreditation service
ARHG’s ancillary provider accreditation service is a resource used by subscribed health funds to simplify the process of ensuring providers meet required criteria.
Health funds use the database, in conjunction with the wording of the fund members’ policy, to determine if claims for alternative therapy services can be paid.
To become a registered provider with ARHG, you must be a member of an ARHG accredited association, and you must meet the ARHG accreditation criteria.
Accredited associations provide ARHG with a regularly updated list of eligible members and this list is then made available to the health funds who use the ARHG ancillary provider accreditation service.
For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Click here for a list outlining the associations accredited with ARHG.
Click here for a list of the private health funds that subscribe to the ARHG ancillary provider accreditation service and the modalities they fund.
Click here for a list of the modalities recognised by the ancillary provider accreditation service, and their definitions.
Click here to find out who to contact and when.
This document outlines the requirements of providers who are accredited with the ARHG ancillary provider accreditation service.
This document outlines the requirements of associations who are accredited with ARHG.
If your practice manager or owner asks for access to your ARHG provider number, you can use this letter to inform them of the rules and guidelines around its use, including that the number can only be used for services provided by the therapist to which the number is assigned.
HBF subscribes to ARHG's ancillary provider accreditation service. To view HBF's Collection Statement for Providers and Practitioners, click here.
Training for providers
We know that as a healthcare provider, you simply want your patients to be able to claim benefits for your services.
But understanding how private health insurance works, and what you need to do can be confusing.
That’s why we created two online courses specifically for alternative therapy providers.
You can complete each course individually, or you can purchase both with our Alternative therapy provider package. The courses are offered through our online training platform QualiPHI. If you are a member of a professional Association, you may be eligible to receive CPE points.

Alternative therapy providers and private health insurance
This course has been designed to help providers understand the private health insurance industry, and how clients can claim for their services.
- Takes approximately 1 hour to complete
- Costs $40 plus GST

Private health insurance audits
This course has been created to guide alternative therapy providers through the two types of private health insurance audits they might be subject to: provider number audits and servicing audits.
- Takes approximately 45 minutes to complete
- Costs $40 plus GST

Alternative therapy provider package
Get access to both our courses for 20% off the full-price cost.
- Takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete both courses
- Costs $60 plus GST
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact your professional association to find out if you are an accredited provider with ARHG. Your association will also advise you of your ARHG provider number.
Contact your professional association to find our your ARHG provider number.
Not all ARHG recognised modalities are covered by all health funds. For further information, contact the relevant health fund directly.
Yes. Provided your patient is entitled to claim benefits for your services, including your ARHG provider number on their receipt will help ensure prompt payment.
No. ARHG uses the same provider number for all of your practice addresses.
Changes to your provider details need to be made with your professional association. Your association will pass these details on to ARHG with their monthly listing. ARHG does not amend provider details directly but will make changes upon notification from the association.
Contact HICAPS or the health fund directly if you are experiencing problems processing payments through the HICAPS machine. ARHG does not have any involvement with HICAPS.
To find out why your client’s claim has been rejected:
contact your professional association to confirm you are still a registered provider with ARHG.
contact the health fund directly to confirm your provider status with them. You will need your ARHG provider number to hand before contacting the health fund.
advise your patient to check whether their policy covers them for the services you provide.
Some health funds may choose to pay benefits for services not recognised by ARHG. In order to register for these services, you will need to contact the health fund(s) directly.
Professional associations accredited by ARHG

Participating health funds